Requesting Your Support
Our success depends on you! Take time to set up a one time, or continuing donation to help support the Michael W. Hoke Foundation in its goal to provide educational assistance for a student focusing on science education. All donations to the MWH Foundation are tax deductible.

One-Time Donation
Want to make a positive impact on science education in your state? It really is as simple as making a donation. No amount of time or money is too small or too large! We appreciate all the help you can provide and guarantee that it will be put to excellent use. A Donor Receipt will be provided upon request.
Choose the amount of your donation in $10.00 increments
Recurring Donation
If you feel moved by the causes Michael W. Hoke Foundation for Excellence in Science Education promotes, we would very much appreciate your support. Set up your donation today. A Donor Receipt will be provided upon request.
Choose the amount of your recurring donation in $10.00 increments